Director’s section 172(1) statement

The directors have acted in the way they consider, in good faith, promotes the success of the group and company for the benefit of its members as a whole, and in doing so have given regard to (amongst other matters):

Business relationships

  • Building strong long-term relationships with both our clients and suppliers is paramount to the success of the Group. The Group is committed to collaboration with both its customers and suppliers to ensure we continue to provide high levels of client service and delivery.

Our people

  • We continually review and manage our performance against the expectations of our people, clients, shareholders, communities, and society. The development of our people is crucial to ensure the continued growth of our business. We have a clear route for progression for those with the ambition to succeed, regardless of role or level. We have over 110 apprentices working across the Group and these are a key part of our workforce strategy. We liaise closely with local colleges across the country to best support them during their training and offer further opportunities within the group when they are qualified.


  • We take our responsibility to the communities in which we are based, and work, seriously and seek to have a positive impact on them. We support local economies through the employment of local people, extra labour and suppliers wherever possible. We behave ethically and are respectful of our surroundings and neighbours. We also support various charities and community groups at a regional and group level, actively supporting those organisations which align with our values.

Culture and values

  • The group recognises the importance of having the right corporate culture. We always look after the best interests of our clients, people, shareholders, suppliers and other stakeholders. We have three strategic values that underpin all of our activities


  • Our shareholders and their representatives are actively engaged in understanding our strategy, culture, people and the performance.