Engineering compliance

We deliver safe working environments through an engineering compliance service that has been developed over years of operating within some of the UK’s most challenging manufacturing environments.

March provides comprehensive compliance support to manufacturing sites across the UK in industries such as food and drink, chemical, and industrial manufacturing, with specialist knowledge of all the key regulatory areas, such as PUWER and DSEAR.

Our teams work closely with our customers to provide a comprehensive assessment of your operational risk, including support to complete corrective actions and recertification. We survey existing compliance arrangements to identify the gaps, or work with recommendations from independent surveys. We then deliver a thorough, fully-costed package that will guarantee you meet your compliance demands, and can be delivered as a single exercise or spread across several years.

Our service includes:

• Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) assessments – Identifying the current position and clarify the actions required for compliance

• Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) solutions – Such as hazardous area classification, risk assessment analysis, selection of equipment, and design of engineering solutions

• Functional safety solutions – Based on measures such as safety instrumented systems (SIS), alarm systems, Pressure System Safety Regulation (PSSR), and basic process control systems (BPCS)

Process Services